Proverbs 22: 6 (NLT)
Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it.

Want to help?

 THANK YOU for your interest in supporting our work in Namibia

There are different options how to get involved in our projects and how to support our ideas to help people in need.

🇩🇪 Deutsche Version: hier 🇩🇪

(1) Support for our 'meals for street kids, refugees & hungry families' program 
We are looking for financial support  for our 'feeding' programs:

- Food distribution for street kids: $15/day
- Weekly meal distribution in refugee camps: $25/week
- Monthly meals in remote villages: $85/village (including a goat: $55)
- Food packages for poor families ($30 per family)

Here you can get more detailed information:

Many families need support to feed their children

Opuwo's street kids pick up their daily snack

The little ones enjoy their meal

No table required; important is it tastes good

Feast in a Himba village: goat meat & rice

(2) Support for our bail-out program for inmates in custodies 
We are looking for financial support  for our 'bail-out' program:

- For each inmate $30-110 are required (depending on the Court's decision), to help to pay a part of the granted bail

Here you can get more detailed information.

The court decides if an inmate is granted bail

(3) Support for our bible distribution program for inmates in custodies
We are looking for financial support  for our 'bible distribution' program:

- For each inmate $15 are required to organize a bible in a suitable language (i.e., Oshiwambo, Ojiherero, etc.).

Many inmates would like to read the bible

(4) Support for our program to help local churches  
We are looking for financial support  for our 'help for local churches' program:

- The Church of the Nazarene in Opuwo need financial support to afford a concrete floor.  The newly constructed church building is not in use since it's construction in 2019. Only Sunday school (conducted by Papa Ramon in February till May 2023) takes place in this location. 
- a 50 kg bag of concrete costs about $8; many are needed
- the total project costs about $1750

We need a concrete floor for our church!

Sunday school in the Church of the Nazarene. A concrete floor is required, so that church service can be held regularly.

The current meeting place is overcrowded

Your financial contribution can be provided using different options:

For our US and international supporters:

Paypal (
Simple online donations using your credit card and/or your bank account (less fees for me) - PayPal account is NOT required:


🇩🇪 Für meine deutschen Unterstützer:
Sparkasse Wetzlar
Kontoinhaber: Heide Flick
IBAN: DE87515500350318089695
Betreff: Ramon Flick Namibia

Momentan kann leider keine Spendenbescheinigung ausgestellt werden.


Sponsor a child:
Check out Papa Ramon's HopeKids sponsorship opportunities if you want to sponsor an individual child to participate in Papa Ramon's HopeKids Children's Home (school education, safe environment to grow up, inter-tribal/multi-cultural setting, Christian values, etc.). Many children in need are waiting for your support to receive their biggest opportunity in life. 
With only $1/day you can improve the future of a child in need 

(Currently, unfortunately not available!)

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