Since December 2021 we help inmates in Namibia's custodies with paying (part of) their bail, granted by a court of law.
Custody or freedom: it all depends if bail is granted |
More than 50 inmates in Opuwo's custody were able to leave the horrible conditions (hygiene, medical care, food supply, etc.) to await their often lengthy court procedures 'in freedom'.
Many inmates were granted a bail of NAD$500 but were unable to come up with the required funds. Our support ranged from NAD$500 (~ US$25) to NAD$2000 (~US$100) and most receivers attended as required & promised their scheduled court hearings.
After finalization of their cases the bail funds will be released and will be used once again to help another person in need to get released on bail.
Opuwo's custody |
(1) More than bail:
In addition to our help paying someone's bail, we also prepared individuals for the risks involved in being released into 'freedom'.
Alcohol and drug use is a common problem in Namibia (and not only there). Unemployment is another burden many face. Namibia with a rate of 21% (2022) is globally ranked on number 6! Namibia's youth unemployment rate in 2022 was even almost 40%.
Namibia's unemployment rates during the last 10 years. Source: |
(A) Teaching of proper conduct:
Daily, bible stories were shared in Opuwo's custody, showing inmates a way-out of their old lives. Many realized that Jesus can tackle wrong habits and change lives.
See our previous report about our amazing prison ministry program
(B) Jobs provided:
Severally jobs were offered to the bailed-out individuals by our organisation: Papa Ramon's HopeKids Children's Home; from security guards and translator to facilitator. Also multiple projects were assigned to released electricians, home builders & mechanics.
(2) Background of our bail-out program:
The idea of a bail-out program started back in December 2021 when my sister (our main sponsor for Papa Ramon's HopeKids Children's Home) heard that many accused people stay for a long time (often years) in custody, despite being granted bail.
Many are unable to come up with the required funds, often 'only' NAD$500 (about US$25), to bail themselves out.
In addition, family members also frequently refuse or are unable to provide funds (note the extremely high
unemployment rate in Namibia and therefore lack of money).
My sister approached potential financial supporters and received over time sufficient funds to help to bail-out more than 50 inmates in Opuwo.
(3) Program expansion:
In August 2023 we have started to support inmates in Oshakati's custody as well.
Here, granted bail amounts are usually higher compared to Opuwo's court decisions (in addition to lower and regional court also the high court is located in Oshakati), but again many lack 'only' NAD$500 to pay their bail.
That's when we step in and help!
(4) Resistance:
We often encounter scepticism and resistance from people involved in the process. From charge office personnel to station commanders to even the regional commander of the Namibian Police we often feel misunderstood based on their (initial) refusal to support our efforts to bail out inmates.
Fraud & money laundering are phrases used to discourage us to help.
Excuses like ,they will kill people' and 'they will be back very soon into custody' are also common arguments we face.
'In Namibia we don't help each other' or 'the criminal community will hear about your support and increase their criminal activities' are also excuses I have heard frequently.
Obviously, bail has been granted by a Namibian court of law (and not by us) and based on Article 12 of the
Namibian constitution, all accused people should be considered as 'innocent' until found guilty in a court of law.
Therefore, nothing speaks against our effort to help!
Namibia's National Coat of Arms |
(5) Justification of Bail-out program:
Despite the fact that our Papa Ramon's HopeKids organisation is focusing primarily on children, providing education & biblical knowledge, we came to Namibia to help ALL people in need.
When Jesus was approached by a 'church' leader asking which is the most important commandment, he was informed that several of the 10 commandments can be summarized into a very important one:
Love your neighbor as yourself (Mark 12:31) [
in addition to: The Lord our God is the one and only Lord. And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength (Mark 13: 29-30).]
That's what we are here for, to love & help people in need.
We all can learn a lesson from the 'Good Samaritan' in
Luke 10:30-37. He took care of a robbed and injured man, despite being his enemy (nobody liked the people from the Samaritan tribe). He took care of his wounds, gave him water, and provided the injured man with an accomodation and a caretaker.
The Good Samaritan is helping a person in need |
(6) Conclusion:
We will continue our bail-out program despite the resistance we often face.
By now we are well used to the fact that the more we help, the more jealousy and hate we face from certain individuals and authorities.
Why would it be different for us compared to Jesus and His disciples, who faced harsh words, hatred, prosecution, incarceration and even death.
Nobody will stop us to share the Good News with the people from Namibia and our relentless efforts to help people in need.
If you want to help an inmate to get out of custody after being granted bail by a court of law, please consider a donation: